Saturday, June 28, 2008

Here in Itu, spelled I-T-U, not E2!

Hello everyone, I just wanted to declare that after a 24 hour delay, realizing I am definitely lactose intolerant on a 8 hour flight, and losing Carols baggage for a while; we made it to Itu, met the 50 or so from Highland, and leave tomorrow afternoon for a camp and we will be gone through Thursday! Please continue to pray for us that God would bless the camp ahead and that I might pick up some Portuguese quickly!

Love ya, Amanda

Address you may reach me at for now:

Mark and Ali Kaiser
AV. Boa Vista n.25
Itu, Sao Paulo, 13301460

Antenor and Phyllis Goncalves
Al. Dos Jerivas n.19
Condo. Portal de Itu
Itu, Sao Paulo, 13301635

Phone if necessary:
11-40220064 (their house)
11-96499435 (their cell)

1 comment:

Travis and Erin Bodeker said...

I'm glad you both made it there safely. I can't wait to hear all about what you are doing!